The competition focuses on the processing of GNSS data collected in the recent experimental campaign held in Jammertest 2024 in Norway. The data have been collected by using a sophisticated National Instruments (NI) system that constitutes 4 ultrawideband and fully coherent RF channels. These data are collected under several scenarios where malicious platforms try to disrupt the GNSS receiver functionalities.
The specific scenario for the competition considers a smart (noise-like) jammer that slowly increases the transmitted power to increasingly degrade the receiver performance while remaining stealth for as long as possible.
The objectives of the challenge are the following:
- detection of the interference starting time instant;
- estimation of the direction of arrival of the received interference signal;
- mitigation of the interference effects;
- the above items must be guaranteed throughout the duration of the jamming action.
Teams can consist of up to 5 members and at least one member must be regularly registered as student to the conference before downloading the dataset. Data will be provided in a compressed archive protected by a password, which will be disclosed after the registration, and contain a grace period without jamming afterwards the jamming power starts to increase over the time.
In addition, the archive also contains a document with the description of data format. Each team must submit a paper of at most 5 pages (according to conference guidelines) where the proposed solutions and the results and figures (including the angular information every 1 second) are presented.
The submission deadline is August 1, 2025 and the contributions must be sent to the following email address:
The competition technical committee will review the submitted papers and will select 2 winners that should attend the conference and present their work during the special session “Multi-dimensional Signal Processing Techniques for Sensing”, when they will be awarded.
The awards are
1st ranked: free publication of an extended paper on EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (article processing charges are covered by an NI contribution of € 500 and an additional discount from EURASIP).
2nd ranked: NI contribution of € 1000 for an on-site activity at ESA ESTEC Labs (this is open to citizens of the ESA member states and requires the submission of a project proposal to ESA).
Dataset download instructions
After the registration as student, an email containing a password will be sent. The password can be used to download the dataset from the following link
[link available soon]
Technical Committee
Member | Organization | Role |
Danilo Orlando | University of Pisa | Chairman |
Paolo Crosta | ESA ESTEC | TPC |
Jan Steckel | Univ. of Antwerp | TPC |
Noori Bni Lam | ESA ESTEC | TPC |
Samah Chazbeck | NI | TPC |
Amr Haj-Omar | NI | Co-Chair |
Istvan Balajti | University of Debrecen | TPC |
Oliver Desenfans | M3 Systems | TPC |
Organizing Committee
Member | Organization | Role |
Danilo Orlando | University of Pisa | Student Activities co-chair |
Pia Addabbo | University Giustino Fortunato | Student Activities co-chair |
Alberto Bernardini | Politecnico Milano | Student Activities co-chair |
Raffaele Fiengo | NI | Project lead |
Lai Wan Sunders | NI | Marketing |
Krisztina Moricz | NI | Culture & Connection |
Amr Haj-Omar | NI | Project co-lead |