Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the EUSIPCO 2025 Conference Proceedings.
All papers, including the ones for special sessions, adhere to the same guidelines. During the initial paper submission process, the authors are required to make sure the PDF file and paper registration have the same list of authors and the same paper title. Failure to comply with this rule might result in your paper being withdrawn from the review process. On the other hand, the author list of an accepted paper CANNOT be changed in the final manuscript. All main conference and special session submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of five (5) printed pages (10-point font) including figures, references and appendices. Papers exceeding 5 pages will neither be accepted, nor will they be reviewed.
When preparing your final manuscript, please pay attention to the following: LaTeX is the preferred typesetting method for your manuscript. Please use the standard LaTeX IEEE conference templates. If you use Microsoft Word, please use the most current version, which will help reduce word-to-pdf conversion issues such as embedded fonts, bookmarks, etc. Also, please use the Word IEEE conference template. Please do not include page numbers or headers/footers. Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process. The review process is single-blind.
- must not have Adobe Document Protection and Document Security should not be enabled
- page size must be either ‘US Letter’ or ‘A4’
- must be in first-page-first order
- must embed ALL FONTS
All fonts must be embedded in the PDF file. There is no guarantee that the viewers of the paper (reviewers and those who view the electronic proceedings after publication) have the same fonts used in the document. Please refer to your PDF file generation utility’s user guide to find out how to embed all fonts.
Accepted papers will be published on IEEE Xplore© like past proceedings of EUSIPCO conferences. In addition, the proceedings are posted in Open Access on the Eurasip website. Copyrights of the papers remain with the authors and posting of their papers on other repositories (e.g. arXiv) is permitted.
At least one author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the FULL (member or non-member) rate. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to three (3) papers.
Please contact the Technical Program Chairs or General Chairs if you have any questions about submitting your manuscripts.
Papers that are accepted for EUSIPCO must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. Any paper withdrawn after the published deadline or papers that are not presented at the conference by an author shall be deemed a “no-show” paper and will neither appear in the conference proceedings nor in IEEE Xplore.
A paper may exceptionally be presented by a non-author but this must be approved by the EUSIPCO Technical Program Chairs. Any such non-author presenter must be able to present the work and respond to questions with the same effectiveness as if they were an author. Requests for non-author presenters must be made by email no later than two weeks prior to the conference. Exceptions to this policy can be made at the discretion of the Technical Program Chairs if evidence is provided that the no-show occurred because of circumstances beyond the control of the authors.
No-show paper authors wishing to appeal must email the EUSIPCO Technical Program Chairs no later than 7 days after the start of EUSIPCO and provide their supporting evidence. Appeals are decided by the Technical Program Chairs based on the evidence provided. Examples of relevant evidence include medical documents and visa rejection letters.