Physics-Informed Machine Learning For Audio Processing
Mirco Pezzoli (mirco.pezzoli@polimi.it)
Diego Di Carlo (diego.dicarlo@riken.jp)
Shoichi Koyama (koyama.shoichi@ieee.org) -
Integrated Sensing and Communications: Signalling, Security, and Networks
Christos Masouros (c.masouros@ucl.ac.uk)
Kaitao Meng (kaitao.meng@ucl.ac.uk)
Kawon Han (kawon.han@ucl.ac.uk) -
Tropical algebra and geometry for machine learning and optimization
PETROS MARAGOS (maragos@cs.ntua.gr)
Automotive Radar Signal Processing
Igal Bilik (bilik@bgu.ac.il)
Generative AI to Learn the Signal High Order Statistics and to Solve Physical Layer Communications Challenges
Andrea M. Tonello (andrea.tonello@aau.at)
Signal Processing for IoT – Decision Fusion in Sensor Networks
Pramod K. Varshney (varshney@syr.edu)
Pierluigi Salvo Rossi (pierluigi.salvorossi@ntnu.no)
Domenico Ciuonzo (domenico.ciuonzo@unina.it) -
Robust Sound Zone Control with Optimal Filtering Methods
Mads Græsbøll Christensen (mgc@es.aau.dk)
Jesper Rindom Jensen (jrj@es.aau.dk)
Andreas Jonas Fuglsig (ajf@es.aau.dk) -
Robust Optimization Methods and Applications to Transmit/Receive Beamforming in Radar and Communications
Yongwei Huang (ywhuang@gdut.edu.cn)
Serigy A. Vorobyov (sergiy.vorobyov@aalto.fi) -
Learning with Covariance Matrices: Foundations and Applications to Network Neuroscience
Saurabh Sihag (ssihag@albany.edu)
Gonzalo Mateos (gmateosb@ece.rochester.edu)
Elvin Isufi (e.isufi-1@tudelft.nl)
Alejandro Ribeiro (aribeiro@seas.upenn.edu) -
Audrey Repetti (a.repetti@hw.ac.uk)
Nelly Pustelnik (nelly.pustelnik@ens-lyon.fr)
Jean-Christophe Pesquet (jean-christophe@pesquet.eu) -
End-to-End Learned Image and Video Coding: Recent Advances and the Rate- Distortion-Complexity Trade-offs
Wen-Hsiao Peng (wpeng@cs.nctu.edu.tw)
Heming Sun (sun-heming-vg@ynu.ac.jp) -
Sparse arrays and sparse waveforms: Design, processing, and applications
Yimin D. Zhang (ydzhang@temple.edu)
Shunqiao Sun (ssun21@eng.ua.edu) -
Parametrical Sparse Models: atom learning and gridless recovery techniques
Antonia María Tulino (antoniamaria.tulino@unina.it)
Matilde Sánchez Fernández (mati@tsc.uc3m.es) -
Towards Edge AI-native 6G with Semantic and Goal-Oriented Communications
Paolo Di Lorenzo (paolo.dilorenzo@uniroma1.it)
Mattia Merluzzi (mattia.merluzzi@cea.fr)